Grand Mestres

An Intro to Mestre Bimba Part 2: The Foundation of Capoeira Regional

The Capoeira Antigua that Mestre Bimba learned from Mestre Bentinho was a folkloric capoeira that had lost much of its effectiveness in combat. At that time capoeira was heavily persecuted, considered a practice of criminals and rogues. Capoeira was not formerly taught, it was just played in the street, and people would learn in the

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An Intro to Mestre Bimba Part 1: His Early Life and Introduction to Capoeira

Mestre Bimba was born Manuel dos Reis Machado on November 23, 1900 in Salvador, Bahia. (Though some historians claim it may have been 1899). The youngest of 25 siblings, he grew up in Engenho Velho, a humble neighbourhood in the city of Salvador, where he lived with his parents Luiz Cândido Machado and María Martinha

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