Quando Chego no Mercado Modelo – Capoeira Song

Quando Chego no Mercado Modelo – Capoeira Song Lyrics and English Translation

Quando chego no mercado modelo, modelo
Na festa do amanhecer
Já tem muita gente me esperando
perguntando, negão que vai fazer?
Eu respondo…
Eu sou Capoeira e Maculêlê
Eu respondo…
Eu sou Capoeira e Maculêlê
La la la lá….
La la lauê….

When I arrive at the Modelo Market
To the sunrise party
There are already many people waiting for me, asking negão what are you going to do?
I respond…
I’m Capoeira, and Maculêlê
I respond…
I’m Capoeira, and Maculêlê
La la la lá….
La la lauê….

What was the Mercado Modelo?

The Mercado Modelo (Popular Market) is a traditional market of artisan products in Salvador, Bahia, which opened in 1912.

It is significant for capoeira, as it is the site of perhaps the oldest and longest running street rodas (roda de rua) in Capoeira’s history.

This roda at the Mercado Modelo has been going on for many decades, at least from 1960 on, and probably earlier. It has produced talents such as the deceased Dois-de-Ouro and, more recently DiMola. Many Salvador street kids cut their teeth in the roda.

Nestor Capoeira – A Street Smart Song

The Mercado Modelo, Salvador – Bahía
De FlaviaC – Trabajo propio, CC BY 3.0

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