Maior é Deus (Pequeno sou eu) – Capoeira Song

Maior é Deus (Pequeno sou eu) – Capoeira Song Lyrics and English Translation

Maior é Deus
Maior é Deus
Pequeno sou eu
O que eu tenho
foi Deus que me deu
O que eu tenho
foi Deus que me deu
Na roda da Capoeira
Grande e pequeno sou eu
God is Great
God is Great
Small am I
That which I have
It was God that gave me
That which I have
It was God that gave me
In the Capoeira Roda
Great and small am I
Mestre Pastinha Jogando

Maior é Deus, Pequeno Sou Eu was a Ladainha sung by Mestre Pastinha.

It’s unclear whether Mestre Pastinha composed the ladainha, or if the lyrics are based on a traditional hymn that was already in the public domain.

Interestingly, it also became a popular song in Samba, made famous by legendary Sambista Beth Carvalho. Again, whether she was inspired by the version of Mestre Pastinha, or whether it was already part of the Afro-Brazilian folklore we’re not sure. If anyone out there has any concrete evidence either way we’d love to hear from you!

We’ve included both versions below for you to listen to and compare!

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