Devagar Se Chega Lá – Capoeira Song Lyrics and English Translation
Iniciante, eu entendo a euforia, Logo que você entrou nessa academia. Tenho bem mais tempo, e essa arte ainda me encanta. Mas água demais, até mesmo mata a planta. Oi, devagar se chega lá! | Beginner, I understand the euphoria, as soon as you entered this academy. I’ve been here much longer, and I still love this art. But too much water, even, kills the plant. Oi, slowly you will get there! |
Devagar se chega lá Devagar se chega lá Devagar se chega lá | Slowly you will get there Slowly you will get there Slowly you will get there |
Primeiro passo, de um longo caminho. Vá devagar, vá bem devagarinho. Fogo de palha acaba logo, isso é um fato. E é de grão em grão, que a galinha enche o papo. Oi, devagar se chega lá ! | First step, of a long path. Go slowly, go nice and slowly. A straw fire finishes quickly, that is a fact. And it is grain by grain, that the chicken fills its crop. Oi, slowly you will get there! |
Devagar se chega lá Devagar se chega lá Devagar se chega lá ‘tá com pressa de chegar Devagar se chega lá | Slowly you will get there Slowly you will get there Slowly you will get there You’re in a hurry to arrive Slowly you will get there |

Without doubt the most important lesson for any beginner Capoeirista!
Patience is the key, it takes a long time to develop coordination, speed, flexibility and fast reactions. Trying to progress too quickly will just result in frustration and possibly injury.
Take your time and enjoy the journey – Slowly but surely you will get there!
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