Challenge #capocovid19 No 5: Learn a Ladainha
So here in Barcelona we’re just starting our second week in lockdown. It’s officially been extended another two weeks, but realistically all the evidence points to it needing to be much longer if we’re to avoid a total collapse of the health system.
So more challenges #capocovid19!
We’re starting this week with another musical challenge – Learn a Ladainha.
Not sure what a Ladahina is? Check our beginner’s guide to the different types of songs in Capoeira.
The below is one of my favourites, and it’s also quite short so not a bad one to start with if you’re just learning Portuguese.
Ô meu Deus o que é que eu faço
Ô meu Deus o que é que eu faço
Para viver nesse mundo
Se ando limpo sou malandro
Se ando sujo sou imundo
Ô que mundo velho grande, o iaiâ
Ô que mundo enganador
Se eu digo dessa maneira
Capoeira me ensinou
Mestre Lua Rasta
Challenge 5 #capocovid19
Keep checking back with us each day for more #capocovid19 challenges.
If you have any ideas of your own for challenges, please let us know either in the comments below or on the facebook page!
Learn Songs Faster!
Master the basics of Portuguese with our beginner’s guide. Available on Amazon for less than the price of a cup of coffee! You can try the first lesson for free: