Camugerê (or Camujerê) was the name of a large Quilombo that existed in Brazil back in the days of slavery.
Quilombos were communities hidden deep in the jungle, settled by the enslaved Africans who had managed to escape from captivity.

Portuguese | English |
Camugerê, Como vai, como tá? Camugerê Como vai vosmecê? Camugerê Eu vou bem de saúde Camugerê Pra mim é um prazer Camugerê | Camugerê, How’s it going, how is it? Camugerê How’re you doing? Camugerê I’m in good health Camugerê For me it’s a pleasure Camugerê |
Vosmecê is an old form of Portuguese that is no longer used.
It was originally used to address people that didn’t have the authority to be addressed as “Senhor(a)” (Sir/Madam).
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