Challenge #capocovid19 No1: Berimbau Skills
So here in Barcelona we are into day 2 of home quarantine!
It’s tempting to just crash on the sofa and binge watch Netflix series 24/7, but there’s so much more interesting things you could do – especially if you’re a Capoeirista, there’s never an excuse to be bored.
To help keep us all motivated, we’ve decided to try and come up with daily challenges for #capocovid19 – Things you can do at home alone (stop it!) that will help you grow as a Capoeirista, even as you’re in lockdown.
Our first challenge comes from Professora Cobrinha de Capoeira Besouro Preto Barcelona.
For those of you with a Berimbau at home, try to learn these three variations – Inspired by the track “Angola em Jeje” from the album “Saga do Urucungo” by Silvio Acarajé
Challenge #capocovid19
What better time than to hone your music skills? (Sorry quarantined neighbours)
Don’t have a berimbau? Check our guide on how to make one here!
Want some more inspiration? Check out the full original track that inspired Professora Cobrinha below:
Keep checking back with us each day for more #capocovid19 challenges.
If you have any ideas of your own for challenges, please let us know either in the comments below or on the facebook page!
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Master the basics of Portuguese with our beginner’s guide. Available on Amazon for less than the price of a cup of coffee! You can try the first lesson for free: