Amanhã é dia santo (Um, dois, três) – Capoeira Song Lyrics and English Translation
Amanhã é dia santo Um, dois, três Dia de povo de deus Três e três: seis Quem tem roupa vai na missa Seis e três: nove Quem não tem faz como eu Nove e três: doze Um dois três Três e três: seis Seis e três: nove Nove e três: doze Um dois três Três e três: seis Seis e três: nove Nove e três: doze | Tomorrow is Saint’s Day One, two, three Day of God’s People Three and three: six Those that have clothes go to Mass Six and three: nine Those that don’t, do like me Nine and three: twelve One, Two, Three Three and Three: Six Six and Three: Nine Nine and Three: Twelve One, Two, Three Three and Three: Six Six and Three: Nine Nine and Three: Twelve |
What was the singer going to do? Very probably play Capoeira.
Though we haven’t been able to find out any specifics about this song, one can guess that it’s a reference to the fact that Capoeira was traditionally an activity of the marginalized members of society – marginalized even within the black community.
Those that had better, more respectable jobs and could afford nice clothes would go to church. Those that didn’t have steady work and scraped out a living by any means they could would hang out on the streets and play Capoeira.
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